I'm a little confused on what I'm seeing. I don't see a single civilian (or anyone else) actually getting shot. I see several different uniforms, so I'm not sure who is who. Until the end I didn't even see a single shot fired at what MIGHT have been a target.
Giving something a title "gunning down civilians in the streets" without showing a single civilian being gunned down, or even a single civilian AT ALL, and having multiple different uniforms so you don't even know who is doing what is the epitome of disinformation.
I see absolutely nothing but a fear campaign in this video.
It does in fact bother me. Myanmar is showing us what would happen if mil stepped in too early.
I'm a little confused on what I'm seeing. I don't see a single civilian (or anyone else) actually getting shot. I see several different uniforms, so I'm not sure who is who. Until the end I didn't even see a single shot fired at what MIGHT have been a target.
Giving something a title "gunning down civilians in the streets" without showing a single civilian being gunned down, or even a single civilian AT ALL, and having multiple different uniforms so you don't even know who is doing what is the epitome of disinformation.
I see absolutely nothing but a fear campaign in this video.
Nobody gives a fuck but globalist, leftist pussies.