Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

It depends on who the government really is. If the REAL government is the NWO and he is doing work for the NWO then he should get paid, which it looks like he is.

It's only "treason" if you are working against the actual government. I suggest this shows who the government really is.

This is not the first time someone has gotten paid for "treason" that's not really treason. This is not the first time that the real government has been exposed. Perhaps however, it will be the straw that breaks the camels back, exposing The Machine.

Slyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Where by "beatings" i mean shit like above, which I think clearly qualifies as a beating, or at least it feels like one. And by "morale" i mean the morale of the masses, who don't even know that they are slaves, and that their morale is at an all time low, because they have nothing higher to compare it to...


Slyver 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes. This is obviously part of The Show. If you see something so blatant that it isn't designed to persuade a change in beliefs, but is designed to ram it down someone's throat, it is almost certainly by design. An anti-propaganda propaganda so to speak.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know what the play is with Vance, he looks like Pence 2.0 to me. But Nikki Haley is even more blatantly NWO. I don't care which "expert" thinks that Haley is the play, even if they are an "ex-Clinton adviser," there is nobody on the planet that thinks that Haley is one of the "good guys" at this point.

Having said that, the movie we are watching has got a lot of twists and turns in it, none of them are what they appear to be at first blush. Maybe Haley is on deck for exposure. Who knows?

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason most people have mortgages is because houses are so expensive. We have lost the ability to build them ourselves. This is lost knowledge. We also build them in a way that is designed to fail. Instead of our houses lasting a thousand years, they last 30-70, and usually require quite a bit of incredibly expensive maintenance during their "lifetime."

We have lost the knowledge of how to build homes that last and work with the environment (fireproof, waterproof, healthy, etc.). But it isn't just "lost knowledge," it is also the rules, regulations, permits, inspectors, etc. that make it very difficult to build a home that is worthy of the name (and costs 1/10th the price to build). All of those systems, all of our property laws, what we can build what we can do with our property, were put in by the Cabal to ensure they control and own everything.

It is insidious and ubiquitous and evil as fuck.

We need to reclaim our world. It won't be easy, they are legally entrenched on every level. Of course it's all a fraud, but people believe in their system, so showing that is quite difficult.

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

the mortgage system is another bankster scam that is worthy of a while thread unto itself.

That is an intended up and coming part of my report/book. I'll get it out eventually. The short of it is that the housing market has always been controlled (since the Roman Empire at least) by the Banksters.

The home loan system put out after the Great Depression, followed by a huge reduction of cost in the housing market in the early 1950s made a huge number of people "home owners," far (FAR) more than prior to that time. It also normalized this system of "ownership" in the population, becoming part of the "American Dream." Of course these lucky buyers weren't really home owners, they were mortgage holders. Even those lucky few that paid off their mortgage (which was far more in the beginning than later (the first hits always free!)) still don't own their home, the banks do. As it turns out, "property tax" doesn't pay for schools and other community institutions, BONDS pay for those things AKA Bank Loans. All property tax goes to pay the interest (usury) on those Bonds, the majority of which are held by banks, with the remainder held by financial institutions (and some few held by private interests AKA super rich dudes, but far, far fewer than is pretended). Of course Financial Institutions (Blackrock e.g.) is really just another word for "bank" in "investor" clothing, so the banks own the whole thing.

If you do not pay the lease on your property (property tax) the BANKS will confiscate your property, through the municipality that took out the Bond in the first place. They have the legal right, through the wording of all municipal bonds, to regain their "losses."

The banks legally own everything in the world. This is only a snippet of one of the legal paths to that ownership.

Slyver 11 points ago +11 / -0

The whole WTC complex was built by Rockefeller, who are the American Dons for the Cabal, owning pretty much the entire shebang. Building 7 was the home for Salomon Smith Barney, which was basically Blackrock before Blackrock, but was having some major legal issues. Their destruction ended the investigations.

Also tenants of Building 7 were the NY center for the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, SEC, DOD, and various big money services (like federal home loans, credit cards, etc.). An awful lot of important records were destroyed in that building collapse.

The night before the attack, Donald Rumsfeld had announced that the DOD had "lost" two trillion dollars, which at the time was the entire National Debt. The next day the "plane" that hit the Pentagon just so happened to hit the tiny area where the records of that "lost" money were kept, shutting down that investigation too.

Of course the amount of plane bits found at the Pentagon could fit in the back of a pickup truck, and somehow the most secure building in the world has zero footage of a plane hitting it, but those are unimportant pieces of information, and anyone who thinks about them is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Similarly, the plane that crashed in Penn. didn't actually have any plane parts. Somehow these 747s are disintegrating.

Meh, it happens.

The main buildings themselves had just been bought by some stooge (Rockefeller crony) who insured them for more than their market value (if that phrase has any meaning on this scale). As it turns out, he made a killing on his "loss."

The off targets of 911 (building 7 and the Pentagon) tell a far more interesting story than the main WTC buildings themselves. You can dig pretty far into Building 7 and it's tenants. It gets pretty crazy in there. Looking at the pics and videos of the Pentagon shows a very interesting story as well.

I think the primary purpose of the WTC attack was as a form of false flag propaganda, perpetrated by the DOD/CIA/MIC/Mossad to motivate the "war on terror," a blanket term that gave the US Govt carte blanche attack power on the entire middle east. They could go into any country and just start killing through the "war on terror," all they had to do was say that terrorists existed there. If there are none there, put some there yourself. But I don't think the "off targets" were random, and show how big this thing really is. It destroyed some of the most important records for the biggest financial institutions in the world, and there is only ONE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD.

So how high up does 911 go? All the way to the tippy top of the Pyramid.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is an easy way out of this problem. Build your own home, make it fireproof, and don't bother with insurance.

People have been building fireproof homes for thousands of years, and none of them have insurance. It just so happens to be a far better and cheaper home in every other way as well. Our present day building methods, "building codes" and insurance are all Bankster scams which lead conveniently to the problem and solution you outline.

Slyver 3 points ago +4 / -1

What an interesting time to take a break. WWIII just around the corner. Stock Market and the US dollar collapse imminent, Weekend at Biden's playing on the big screen, etc.



What is "HOT?" Does that mean hot war? Is it just a catch all term? I have a feeling it's going to be the "flood" from:

Slow drip > Flood

I mean, it already feels like it's flooding, but it can definitely get more Floody. Perhaps August is the SHTF month. Perfect time for the Country's "leadership" to take a long vacation.

I have a feeling August will be fun.


Slyver 26 points ago +26 / -0

Yes. Joe Biden is probably dead and whatever you are seeing now is someone in a Joe Biden mask. But I think there's a really good chance that this has been the case for the past five years. So then, what has changed?

In order to reveal that these things can happen on the world stage, you need the "God perspective" transition scene like we are seeing now. Movies require transitions. They require the little bits and bobs that stitch the plot together. Like, spiderman get's bit by a spider and becomes superhuman. But you need that scene of the tiny spider crawling on Peter Parker's skin to believe it. It's not something that anyone would have seen. Peter didn't see it. No one else saw it. But the audience saw it, thus the audience believes. It was a transition scene from a God perspective that stitched it all together.

We need to see the current Biden in a mask, or as AI in order to understand that even at the highest level of the world stage, such deceptions happen. That is the current scene playing out. We must lose faith in our reality to start questioning it in earnest.

It's all a part of The Show.

by DrMcCoy
Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. They put "Government" in the text, and you hear "Government." If you close your eyes and listen you can hear "Gunman."

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prior to waking up I wrote a comprehensive expose on the benefits of UBI and how it could be made to work within the system as it existed at the time (or how I thought/was taught it existed). I made all sorts of pretty graphs. I used economic data put out by all sorts of official entities, etc. It was a good, solid argument. Unfortunately it was based on axioms that were totally false. Now that I understand how the system actually works, I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever we do not need, nor do we want UBI.

What we need is a Free Market. We need to get rid of all the shit that prevents people from building on their own land, and living on their own land. We need to take back our seeds from Monsanto and learn how to grow food again. We need to be free from slavery and thievery.

We don't need UBI, we just need to end the Fed and all the other three letter agencies. We need to get Govt out of the decision making process for the individuals economics/life choices. We need to end Usury, and all the control structures that support it.

It's not complicated. It is only if you don't understand how the system actually works and who runs it that you can entertain the idea of UBI.

Fuck UBI, and the Four Horsemen that it rode in on.

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

investing it

Buy and HODL bitches!

The proper use of UBI is to take the money and use it to help destroy the system that will be used to give it to you (the Fed/IRS).

Slyver 5 points ago +5 / -0

Who knows what's really going on. I personally think that Soros has been taken out. I guess it depends on whether or not Soros acts independently. If he is a semi-independent agent, then he has probably been taken out. If he acts primarily on direction from higher ups, those higher ups have probably been replaced with Q, pretending to be Cabal.

Slyver 8 points ago +8 / -0

You can't make this shit up.

No, but you can pay people to do it. All such social narratives derive inorganically. They call it "Propaganda of the deed." It's been going on for a long, long time. You can thank Mr. Soros for the majority of these events for the past decade or so.

Slyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the official Torch of Peace. They carry it from town to town to kick off their Mostly Peaceful Protests.

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are $2 hookers hot? I'd think it'd be more like "hotter than a $2,000 hooker." Not that I have a lot of personal experience, but I think "you get what you pay for" is very much in play in that market.

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is only one bank in the world. The Chinese banks will fail the instant the Banksters want it to (or the WH, whoever is in charge).

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's a bold idea. Let's shine an honest spotlight on all the people who think these "bold ideas" are good ideas. Let's look at their finances. Let's look at who their parents really are, who their grandparents really are, etc. Let's play "connect the Rockefeller," and see how far back you have to go, or how deep you have to dig, to get a direct large sum monetary, or "political favor" conflict of interest with one of JD Rockefeller's descendants.

I mean, that ones not even hard. It's one step to Soros or Schwab, and one more step to Rockefeller or Rothschild. Hell, most of them are cousins with a Rockefeller or Rothschild.

Just one big happy conflict of interest crime family.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Body doubles used to be hard to find. Like, Hitlery's BD could be her twin in the face. But now, we have hyperrealistic masks. Biden's BD has been hiding behind one, "running the show" for 4 years now. But those masks are expensive. Kameltoe apparently can't afford one so she just found someone about the same height/weight, let her raid her closest, and put a "Covid mask" on her. Instant BD, total cost: $4.99 for a pack of 20.

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

I appreciate what you're saying, and I agree that in this case a "proof" can be manufactured simply by being aware and by being a major player like Musk. However, he has been playing a big part in the GA so far. I don't know whose team he is playing for, but he is certainly "in the know" to some extent. As far as I can tell, he also has a direct line to Trump.

I suggest trusting Musk would be foolish, but I think "trust" is foolish in general. Trust is the opposite of Critical Thinking. I trust exactly zero entities. I also suggest that not listening to Musk would be equally foolish. He's a player, for sure. Who cares which team? Time will prove all. In the meantime, Enjoy The Show.

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do talk about Blackrock specifically in several places, but it is far more than an exposure of Blackrock. If you read it, you will see substantial evidence (beyond a reasonable doubt) that Blackrock is just a front organization. There is only one company in the world. All the different "corporations" (legal fictions) we see are simply fronts for that one corporation.

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps you have some kind of TLDR problem.

I read book, after book, after book, etc. I have read thousands of books. Probably tens of thousands of books. I've read three books in the past week. I've even written a book.

Those of us with brains had no trouble scanning through it to see the general content and then go back to read in detail.

I can't read a wall of text. I can't scan it like that. I lose the line, then have to try to find it again. It hurts my eyes and gives me a huge headache.

Everyone is different. It doesn't make me stupid, it just means I can't read a wall of text. Such a thing is difficult for most people though, which is why our language is designed to break things up in paragraphs, pages, chapters, put in titles, italics, commas, periods, etc. The entire English language is designed specifically to put in breaks so that people can read it, because scanning long lists of lines is not something the human brain was designed to do. That doesn't mean some people can't do it, but it's not a "natural thing" and it doesn't "make you smart" if you can. It just means you can. Congratulations.

Perhaps it's related to my mild dyslexia, perhaps it has nothing to do with that. I don't know, but I can't read it as it is. It is a completely fair ask to ask the author to put in paragraph breaks, just like every single other written document on the planet, so that everyone can read it.

Slyver 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hamilton was a Rothschild shill. It is due in no small part to him I think that the country developed as it did; progressively in the hands of the bankers. His influence on the fuckery in the Constitution and the early laws that went along with it is apparent (though I don't mean to imply it was him alone).

So, how closely does Vance mirror Hamilton? Looking at him (and according to the article), it appears to be very closely. He looks to me to be a wolf in wolf's clothing.

We'll have to see how this plays out.

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