Today we received the below message from the head of our charter school system in California. In January, we had received a similar email regarding the "Capitol Riots." Rather than providing evidence-based communications, with a neutral tone to encourage inclusivity for all students and their families, the school continues to deliver inaccurate, misleading, and racially biased communications to support the DS narrative. It would seem, Hussein kicked this off this morning in his tweet to push the Asian hate crime/gun control agenda. My kids have had to deal with anti-caucasian bias and hate for many years, and suffer through convoluted teacher perspectives that are pushed to the students. For the most part, we've had to just "suck it up" and accept the teachers are sheep, rather than face backlash. (I know, nothing new here. But, just reiterating the daily bias kids have to endure.) And, BTW, pay no mind to the current environment which is endangering the immediate safety of our children, such as illegals crossing the border at record numbers, the homeless population which is out of control, and the hotbed of human trafficking in San Diego/SoCal.
My question for GAW: That said, I am curious if the "Asian hate" narrative was pushed at a "grassroots" level to families across the country. As the MSM and DS spokespersons deliver canned, contrived talking points, does the same hold true for the propaganda in blue state schools?
Here's the sheep-mail:
Dear [Insert school here] Community,
I write to you today more determined than ever to ensure that we interrupt racism everywhere it is happening.
Tuesday night in Atlanta, a gunman murdered eight people, most of whom were Asian women. Unfortunately, this was not an isolated event. It’s part of a larger trend of increasing violence against our Asian brothers and sisters and connected to the racist violence against the BIPOC community.
I want our Asian American and Pacific Islander staff, students, and families to know: I am with you, we are with you, you are not alone, and you have the love and support of your [school] Family!
I’ve shared the following resources with staff to support them in leading conversations, building awareness, and increasing our capacity to become the diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist learning community we aspire to be:
Addressing Anti-Asian Bias (Learning for Justice) Community Resources (California Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus) Guide to Creating Healing Dialogue Space (San Diego County Office of Education) Resources for AAPI Communities (Pacific Arts Movement) Resources for Teaching About Race and Racism (The New York Times) I also wanted to share with you some tips for facilitating conversations about race with your student. The suggestions below, shared by [name] were adapted from Embrace Race and the American Psychological Association.
[I will spare you the rest of the letter, but you get the idea.]
I wrote some similar comments about seeing this narrative suddenly pop up within two days of the shooting in another thread. 24 hours before the shooting I went onto my Tinder account and a big red screen blocked the entire page about the rising threat of Asian hate crimes and how seriously they take a stand against it and all racisim on their platforms etc.
I knew SOMETHING was up
But an actual wacky and spooked out false flag shooting against the Asian community?
As Q says, how many times can this happen before it becomes mathematically impossible?
Things are ramping up in the false flag attack spook realm.
What does Q tell us this means?
Expending ammunition to change the news cycle? So what are they trying to get ahead of? Why do they need more racial divide and gun control/censorship for?
What advantages exist when you already have the enemies entire playbook?
You're right. I noticed on March 10 that the google homepage had an image of Asian doctors and scientists with the hashtag #stopasianhate...I thought, "wow that's strange, does this have to do with the virus/vaccines?" From what I've read so far, it sounds like 6 Korean women and 2 white men were killed. Biden also addressed this through a statement on the white house page, ordering all flags to be flown at half-staff.
First I heard of it was March 11nth in the POTATUS speech. I was convinced an attack was imminent