24 Green screen Biden ~ direct link will be posted in the comment section of this video (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Blessed_be 3 years ago by Blessed_be +25 / -1 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Not just that. Check out his pants and how the CGI breaks up along the edges:
This photo was taken six seconds into the video
Here is a different video where his hand goes through another reporter’s mic
What's up with his tie? Looks like it's waaaay too long.
Trump wore longer ties. So I don't know what there is to complain about Biden trying to copy Trump.
Meh, this isn't the green screen. This is a fake fake. It's real but is intended to CREATE A BLOCK in the mind of an average viewer who will now disregard every other similar situation due to the block.
This is mind control on a mass scale.
Exactly. Seems to be working as much as we've sucked off this video....
I've seen them elsewhere. Can you find a clip where it's normal?
Theres a bunch on Bitchute