I just saw that our Mayor lowered the age to be able to get the Covid Vaccine and something of me wonders if it would be wise to keep track of any kind of deaths or maybe if there is a way to see if there is an increase of deaths since this is opened up to people who are younger. I know the vaccine does very poorly with the elderly thus why so many deaths for them. I don't know anything about statistics or keeping track of that kind of stuff, so I guess that is why I am posting here?
Overall I am very disappointed to see this, but I didn't expect anything less considering he is a dem.
I wrote him quite a nasty letter. Telling him he is either ignorant or evil. I told him we all know masks don't work since he was out with friends maskless. Either way he is a horrible mayor and will not be voted in again. I said he should have followed our great governor and given the people the right to decide. I can't stand him! I still never wear a mask anywhere in orange county though