Am I the only one seeing where this is going?, China is making itself victim and now they are pushing this garbage to ultimatelly make chinese people a protected class on the US.
Now you will be unable to say anything against Asians and later you will not be able to criticize the CCP.
No one is seeing this but me, really?
Considering our woke liberals take any opportunity to self-flagellate themselves in order to appear good ( because they all have a void in their heart from lack of Christian values + Happiness of making a family) it's no surprise that the Chinese or any other commie is using identity politics as weapons.
For 8 years Obummer was shielded by a media that used the Black People they claim to protect as shields to all critics.
China is following suit by repeatedly telling the world that Chinese people and the CCP are one which is a lie.
The biggest oppressor of the Chinese is the CCP.