My father has been fighting lung cancer for the past year, and he caught COVID (at least, according to the PCR test) in June 2020. He was 71.
He got the jab on Feb 21. On Feb 24 my stepmom rushed him to the ER. The doctor told him his body was shutting down, and he needed to get on a ventilator immediately, or he wouldn't survive the night.
The next morning, he was gone, in spite of the vent.
Does anyone have any resources I can read/watch/listen to, to get up-to-speed on the vaccine? Why do Q followers generally think the vaccine is deadly, in spite of what GEOTUS said on Maria the other night?
Thanks in advance.
Honestly, if you still can't decide whether you need an experimental vaccine for a 99+% survival rate virus, then yes you're being stupid and need to start using some common sense. At this point you have more than enough Intel to easily decide that you don't need this shit but people are still confused as Trump continues to do what he needs to do to get us past their attempt to Great Reset the entire planet into a communist nightmare. Same reason Trump vigorously developed the vaccines is the same reason he told anyone not thinking to take them. The main goal this entire time: To defeat the Great Reset. People with the memory of a goldfish or just lacking any common sense are just as confused now as they were four years ago and likely will remain so till this war is over.
99+% is common sense to anyone with a 3rd grade education. What Trump is doing is saving the world. He can't curtail that for the idiots that refuse to use some critical thinking. If people can't be bothered to do the most basic research on an experimental vax for a virus less dangerous than the flu then they can't be helped. I run into a lot of people in my line of work on a weekly basis. Meet plenty of people that have no idea what this site is and still know better than to take the vaccine because it doesn't take rocket science or a good forum to figure it out.
It's now pompous to ask for a little common sense? I don't want anyone to get hurt by this vaccine but you have to remember these people that refuse to think are the same useful idiots the globalist are using to drive the Great Reset and destroy society as we know it. The renewed shut downs in Europe are supported by these morons. This refusal or lack of common sense is not just dangerous for them but for the rest of the world, they continue to bleat at in contention for not wearing a mask and soon, for not getting your 'mandatory' vaccine. That's coming next. Maybe when these mindless idiots are championing mandatory vaccines and forcing it upon your children, will you begin to share my frustration.