You got an hour vote again.while your at it push your local and state level politicians to strengthen voting laws like id.then get off your ass volunteer in either party and work towards the change America wants you to be.then get on the school board libary board.find a commie on the tax conmission,a judge a county select man and run against him.find a unopposed rino and run against him.find an empty seat and take it.
Voting? We tried that in 2020 and got dick
You got an hour vote again.while your at it push your local and state level politicians to strengthen voting laws like id.then get off your ass volunteer in either party and work towards the change America wants you to be.then get on the school board libary board.find a commie on the tax conmission,a judge a county select man and run against him.find a unopposed rino and run against him.find an empty seat and take it.