posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +66 / -0

In college I was pretty removed from politics but remember I couldn’t turn on the news without screeches of election fraud and foreign countries meddling in our election. That our president paid off our biggest geopolitical threat and is in debt to our enemies. “Putin’s puppet”. Now nobody big on mainstream media will even hint that one our most consequential systems was secretive and corrupted. People who relay this are cutoff from television or any platform you can reach people. This time though we actually have his crackhead pedo’s son laptop with forensic evidence of Biden buying his way to power and indebted $1,500,000,000 to the Chinese communist party. We have forensic evidence of election interference. All the statistical analysis and Benfords Law indicates election meddling. This world is completely upside down I am confused how people don’t see this. This is the epitome of the parable of the frog in gradually changing water. A normal person cannot acknowledge several verifiable facts but still buy. into this narrative. It is disturbing so many people can go along with this and tolerate the deception they are subjected too.