Leftists can't admit they are wrong. They can say its not worth their time, yes.....But if the American people want it Super Joe must step up to the plate for Rocky 6...or he won't... Force those who support/ted the death of our country to realize they 'elected' a demented potato who sucks at balance worse than saluting Marines. Let 60-80% become 95%
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My point is that we should pressure this
25th of March.
For some reason, nobody seemingly has any interest in this date.
Biden's first press conference. Direct sustained questioning, uninterrupted, for an hour or so. Slimy weasel has been dodging it the entire time. All Presidents do this early on, which might explain why many aren't that curious about the date because in times past it was just a standard formality.
This isn't like the debates. There's no Orange Man there to draw focus.
25th of march is national oranges day 2021 officially. The first time we do it. Gather all of your oranges and maybe we will bring orange man.