one of my friends has had a long streak of crazy women,,, now says he is going gay. he said think about it find some one the same size as him and into racing it a win win.. they can share clothes... crazy bitches screw men up..
Oh, that’s just what I call them now. It’s kind of like my peaceful protest against having that lifestyle constantly shoved in all our faces like it’s supposed to be some kind of virtue.
More power to him! Doesn't have to worry about these crazy women!!!! (I kid)
Who cares as long as he leaves the kids alone....and this goes for everyone
one of my friends has had a long streak of crazy women,,, now says he is going gay. he said think about it find some one the same size as him and into racing it a win win.. they can share clothes... crazy bitches screw men up..
Oh, that’s just what I call them now. It’s kind of like my peaceful protest against having that lifestyle constantly shoved in all our faces like it’s supposed to be some kind of virtue.