Poofter is funny! Your user name is Mullet Wrapper, and yet you clutch pearls like a Dame Doris Doodlebug. Heh!
Anyway, I'm not trying to be a wisenheimer. I'm mostly just a gigglemug. But I thought you were kinda harsh laying all that shade on Bezzle that he didn't deserve. No need to crack church bells. Language is expression! If we become wounded by words as innocuous as "poofter", how weak and humorless are we? :p
Poofter is funny! Your user name is Mullet Wrapper, and yet you clutch pearls like a Dame Doris Doodlebug. Heh!
Anyway, I'm not trying to be a wisenheimer. I'm mostly just a gigglemug. But I thought you were kinda harsh laying all that shade on Bezzle that he didn't deserve. No need to crack church bells. Language is expression! If we become wounded by words as innocuous as "poofter", how weak and humorless are we? :p
Hope your weekend is great, ya crabby bastid! ;)