It looks like is some blog,but if it is true it is QUITE BIG.
Also earlier:
Mainstream media: (Moscow Semit is so Russian like New York Semit is American - Times <=> Semit, and no,not a joke:jewish is readed from right to left )
Some institute claiming to be in Warsaw (probably so Polish like "Warsaw Pact" was):
aaand our favourite POTATUS quote:
The price he’s going to pay, you’ll see shortly
By Joe Bidet...
It seems Dementia Joe said too much,and Demoncrap party precise narration will go to fuck... The problem is if it is not only show it might be nasty, as russia has not only stairs but real nukes: - but if it has to be showed as "response to Russian attack" and as defence by Ukraine...
Earlier notable examples:
Yesterday the RAF flew a rivet electronic surveillance plane beyond Norway and along the Russian Coast for maybe 200 miles past Murmansk, it kept a line at or around the 12 mile international waters mark and flew up and down for a couple of hours.
This is one of at least 5 missions in the last week where they have poked the bear.
There was a huge article on Putin in the Daily Mail yesterday.
The U.K. govt agenda on Putin is he is a bad man assassin who takes people out with nuclear poisons. In the article they referenced this and a “ source” in Russia claims he has a hit list of six that includes Former MI5 operative Steele.
Steele is the Democrats best friend in the U.K. which makes me wonder if they( the deep state) are preparing to assassinate him as he may be a liability and in doing so put the blame firmly on Putin?
Steele is a link in the peegate dossier - FISA plat to remove trump. He's pretty inportant when it comes to putting the blame for meddling on the UK gov.
edit: Skripal was involved too I think via Pablo Miller.