the-game, yes, like you stated, “Jones and Ike are regarded as wackos”; which, is exactly why they are controlled opposition. Anyone who follows “wackos” will be regarded as such. Watch how Alex Jones interviews his guests. He screams, causes confusion, and never lets any legitimate guest speak. Early on, he apologized to Comet Pizza, et al., for spreading the truth about pizzagate. Additionally, he spread Q news only to deny Q. Chaos and confusion incites doubt. IMHO. I guess we all just need to go with our gut and our own discernment.
the-game, I totally understand your argument. Alex Jones is very useful as he incites the so called “Streisand effect”; but, he then usually “denies” or questions the so-called conspiracies. Furthermore, he is a highly theatrical caricature who will never be taken “seriously” by normies or lame stream. He serves a purpose; he incites then placates the conspiracy theorists. I feel he is controlled. He “knows” what critical thinkers are going to figure out, gets ahead of them, blasts it on his platform, and then debunks. Like Q said, be careful who you follow. This is just my humble opinion. GODSPEED
Well, considering that they are both still alive, I’d think they are controlled opposition.
William Cooper called jones out a long time ago.
a true patriot.
And rightfully so, did you listen to Jones' 12/31/99 broadcast, biggest hunk of shit ever.
the-game, yes, like you stated, “Jones and Ike are regarded as wackos”; which, is exactly why they are controlled opposition. Anyone who follows “wackos” will be regarded as such. Watch how Alex Jones interviews his guests. He screams, causes confusion, and never lets any legitimate guest speak. Early on, he apologized to Comet Pizza, et al., for spreading the truth about pizzagate. Additionally, he spread Q news only to deny Q. Chaos and confusion incites doubt. IMHO. I guess we all just need to go with our gut and our own discernment.
the-game, I totally understand your argument. Alex Jones is very useful as he incites the so called “Streisand effect”; but, he then usually “denies” or questions the so-called conspiracies. Furthermore, he is a highly theatrical caricature who will never be taken “seriously” by normies or lame stream. He serves a purpose; he incites then placates the conspiracy theorists. I feel he is controlled. He “knows” what critical thinkers are going to figure out, gets ahead of them, blasts it on his platform, and then debunks. Like Q said, be careful who you follow. This is just my humble opinion. GODSPEED
I don't know about David Icke, but Q specifically pointed out that Alex Jones was controlled opposition.