Here is 1 sentence out of the 90 pages that should put any intelligent persons fears to rest.
Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process.
This is completely reasonable to say when your defending yourself against a $1,300,000,000 lawsuit.
Read the 90 page file if your still dooming. Come on it’s bird law.
Thanks for sharing.
Dominion fucked up bigly. I suppose they aimed high to be in the light shielded by favorable judges. It appears from the rebuttal that they have no leg to stand on to bring a tort claim in DC.
Now they have to lie in their own bed of nails.
Presenting a view based on sworn testimony and gathers evidence is not defamatory in and of itself, and given the fact these proofs have not been subject to judicial review, facts have not been established beyond reasonable doubt.
Meaning: the merits of the case of defective Dominion voting machines leading to fraud needs to be subject to judicial review.
agreed, they have trending on twitter.
All we are hearing this morning on conservative talk radio in Colorado is that “ see we told you so!” What crap! they jump on every single little line pull that out and place all the propaganda on that one line!
Most of its shills.