posted ago by damnsonq ago by damnsonq +37 / -0

the crisis at the border got me thinking. if white hats and the military are in control then why are they letting kids be abused? imagine a military officer walking up to one of the kids and going

"yeah your suffering because we need to show the normies that biden was a bad choice all along"

we might think that biden isn't the president but the rest of the world does and they are making decisions based on that. if biden really isn't the president then the band aid should be ripped off already. i have never been in a situation where taking off the band aid slowly was the better choice and the fact that Q hasn't told us what the ramifications of initiating the plan sooner rather than latter adds to this as well.

what? riots will happen? they are already happening all over the country

what? the dollar will fall? its already falling

i just seriously do not get the logic of "ohhh some pawns must be sacrificed in order to win" those pawns just happen to be kids suffering in cages

if this goes on then i have no choice but to think the military is complicit. we have the money and resources to care for these kids and yet they are stuck in cages

i can already hear a comment going "but that's bidens fault" ok and? whos going to stop it? because as of right now everyone is just sitting on their palms (looking at you military)