I browsing around the DOJ News section trying to get some data about child/human trafficking arrests/prosecutions to tie into a #SaveOurChildren/Tim Tebow FB post, and noticed a LOT of news about shutting down tax preparers in different states.
(Just an aside. We need to keep an eye on DOJ news better. There was a lot announced there that we aren't seeing anywhere.)
I would assume from the amount of news about them in different states that it was a coordinated roll-up. But why? Is there a bigger underlying story to this, e.g. no more tax preparers are going to be needed?
Here are just a few I found:
Until they go after any Big 4 firms, I don't think the industry is in trouble. That's where the big fish go to evade taxes, because our country protects the Big 4 like they do the big banks. If you look at what's happening in Europe though, they're catching wind that Big 4 auditing practices are subject to corruption. They are the grease for multinational corporate machines
I work for one of them, in an area of Tax. To me, it seems like audit has the biggest issues with corruption because it uses a hierarchy of decision-makers to either pass or "fail" an audit report (that's an oversimplified version but you get the idea).
In Tax, it's much harder to help big businesses evade taxes or hide illicit activities because they need to provide audited financials. So if things were hidden you need to look at who did the audit, not the taxes. For high net worth individuals/private companies/trusts/estates though, they do not use the audit process and a shady CPA can sign off on tax evasion/illicit use of money pretty easily. They even have legal defenses that leave liability on the taxpayer.
The most efficient way to destroy the tax preparation industry is to simplify the tax code to where any regular person can do it on their own. Im more than willing to lose my tax job if it means greater freedom for everyone.