horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was in the National Archives building in July and that book was displayed prominently in the museum. Reading the title from a ways away I realized that the white hats had some more fun with this movie. They had to have come up with the title 😁

horseyPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Plus, you have Bill Clinton talking about military tribunal and GITMO, at a Kamala event. Maybe someone with Grok can find the clip? Jon Herold had it on the last Devolution Power Hour épisode.

horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch the eggs. I had a daughter - Division 1 athlete - develop a sensitivity to eggs after she ate them almost every day in college. I’m betting it was the pesticides in the feed? I didn’t know then what I know now anbout foods 😢

Other daughter also has sensitivity even though she ate them much less.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a RICO case and I betcha that some of the sealed indictments are for these clowns. USPS cannot release the information yet because legally they cannot - it is evidence in an active court case.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Part of me thinks that some of this information is being used in court cases and cannot be released publicly, yet. RICO case, sealed indictments.

horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The big question. Does the US military jump in?

horseyPatriot 11 points ago +11 / -0

It had to happen under Biden. But remember, Taiwan was infiltrated by China’s deep state (CCP.) So some house cleaning is needed. Just like the media didn’t tell us the truth about Ukraine, they won’t tell us the truth about Taiwan either.

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +4 / -1

Exactly. And he kind of stumbled on words around that fact. His brain was otherwise engaged? recover JFK Jr. Not his body.

horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Clay and Buck were just talking about one of their families had the Ready Radios and they were able to communicate through the storm when there was no other communication.

horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you think Alaska will be affected? The video I watched said it will only be East coast and Gulf coast ports. The Pacific ports already signed a contract under duress - so they will be the only ports open in the US

horseyPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Today is my 8th day. My grandmother had to have her carotid arteries cleared surgically in her 70s (?) and I’ve always presumed I have plaque build up in my arteries. I did a bunch of physical labor in the FL summer heat this past week which I haven’t done in a while. I was tired but did well. I always had low blood pressure until my 50s when I gained weight. BP was normal when I started but I’m hoping to get it lower again. And lower my resting pulse.

I’ve also been walking 2 miles almost every day and feel noticeably stronger every day. I plan to do this for a month and add in strength training and build up muscle while losing weight.

Definitely feeling peppier than last week.

horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hopefully the Gulf waters have cooled considerably after Helene stirred them up so it doesn’t become another monster.

horseyPatriot 9 points ago +9 / -0

Floridian here. First, my heart goes out to those who have died and prayers to all who are suffering.

There has been flooding of homes along the Gulf Coast from Naples all the way up to the big bend. I’m watching the footage on Weather Channel and it is just devastation everywhere. The big bend area has had 3 storms in 13 months and some of these communities near where the eye came in have generational Floridians who shrimped or scalloped and couldn’t afford insurance.

I’ve also spent some vacations in the NC mountains and am watching the rain and floods there just wipe out towns like Chimney Rock Village. A major dam is in danger of failing. People in SC have trees and power lines down. My heart is heavy tonight. So much damage and so many people suffering. 😢

Selfishly, I don’t know how any of us in these states will be able to afford any homeowner insurance after this. Rates were already insane.

horseyPatriot 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is an amazing article. Great refresher of the key players and patriots. Also, all of the psy ops being done to let Gowdy and others fly under the radar.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. I need to retire to read all of this. I went to just one link - Cynthia Chung’s Vatican Substack. What a rabbit hole that has turned into!

horseyPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have asked some of these questions to a liberal relative and she won’t acknowledge that there is anything wrong with how she thinks and that we are supporting a horrible man.

Precipice is needed to reach her and her friends. They are indoctrinated!!

horseyPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone else besides me hoping to see the title “United States for America” on it?

Sadly, no title…

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I subscribe to @SharonSaysSo on Instagram. I want to see their liberal heads all explode when the big reveal happens. I will also share what I know and help them - but for now I get a good read on a lot of very liberal women.

Sharon had a live today and I can tell you that their TDS has kicked in and they all loved Kamala. Sharon did school them on how Kamala should have been fact-checked for the Charlottesville attack. Sharon finally read the transcript - wow! But her entire (subscribed) audience likely heard the truth about what Trump actually said for the first time today.

I still think she is playing a role in this movie. Her upcoming book will rally a lot of people to step up, which is what Gen Flynn has also been saying… And she has taught over a million people about how their government is working (or not working) currently. Mostly liberal women - many of whom didn’t know the 3 branches of government.

horseyPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

And ~10K sealed indictments were recently unsealed? 🤔🍿

Plus, Trump(Kash?) told us outright that the time for investigation was over and it was time for justice!

horseyPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Voting Rights Act. That is always trotted out. I forget the details but the Republicans did do something wrong, and were caught. Knowing what I know now? I bet they did it on purpose to get this judgment so that they could finish off the country.

horseyPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are all part of the plan. KJP gives her briefings from the fake set, supposedly in the old Executive building. Peter and Steve have been around the business long enough to know that something is not right when nothing takes place at the White House any longer (except tours.)

All of the “White House Press Corps” has had to be playing along and not shouting the fakity-fakeness of these press briefings from the rooftops.

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