horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

So far the boat parade is underwhelming. But more people can see the athletes than if a stadium was used.

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve been watching the documentaries on streaming and the movies in the theaters and so many seem to be “soft reveal”. The movies coming out in the theaters include a LOT from Angel Studios. That suggests that the whit what’s do have control of Hollywood as those movies would not have been made just 10 years ago…

horseyPatriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

I’ve always watched the Olympics. Now I’m aware of what it really is, however. I’ll be watching again to see what happens this time. Our family has always been athletic so we are interested in many of the sports in which we have previously competed.

Interestingly (since I used to event and recently visited Versailles), I’ve been closely watching the American (equestrian) event team on Instagram. One of the cross-country jumps are giant deer antlers. I immediately thought of the “Y” symbolism.

I’ll be watching and maybe I’ll do some posts on what I see…

I have a feeling that the white hats have already had a hand in this. Saw a CNBC article yesterday that showed how cheaply Paris had put on its Olympics compared to the past two. No taxpayer handouts to the elites this time around!

horseyPatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Interestingly I was on a Zoom call with Sharon McMahon (government teacher on Instagram), who was doing a deep dive on The Satanic Panic and she delayed it and played the speech, since it was such a “historic moment.” First, I am a subscriber to see what these mostly liberal women are thinking as we go thru this awakening.

And I was shocked (shouldn’t have been) at all of the women who said that it was such a wonderful speech and that they were crying. 🤮

BUT, Sharon has had deep dives on MK Ultra and Satanic panic in the past couple of months so I think she is playing a different role in gently introducing people to these topics. She still discounts “QAnon” but did tonight say that they have children’s best interests at heart.

I cannot wait for these people to wake up!!

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember he did one at a landscaping company across from a crematorium. He had a bunch of Trump/Pence signs behind him except one had Pence removed. There were some weird comments on the crematorium’s web page. Anons were speculating on election evidence having been burned there and Rudy telling the cabal that the white hats had caught them.

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

This comes up almost every episode of the Devolution Power Hour on the Badlands Media Rumble channel.

Many discussions about how we exit COG? Different possibilities. It’s fascinating to me, yet we all (except for the Q team) have no idea what will happen.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was looking up the latest in the Shelly Fire in Northern CA and stumbled on this. I can’t research because of work deadlines but I would bet this is BIG!

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, that does match what DJT said in his “leaked” video from the golf cart.

horseyPatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Q team needed the current version of the law so it could create propaganda. We know they replaced people in all of the news corporations as far back as 2018. Yet, nothing changed (until after the debate.)

By not changing their attacks on Trump and conservatives, people have been red-pilled much more than if their favorite news orgs had suddenly changed the narrative. They see for themselves, rather than being told.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is how I find all of the latest Badlands Media videos. Go to rumble.com. Search ‘Badlands Media’. Click on the Badlands Media logo slightly below, to the left. I don’t have an account set up because I use VPN and some said Rumble will kick you off if you have the wrong IP address from your VPN?

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nope. Trump said Biden will have to worry about the 25th Amendment. it may not come to pass but they will try?

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

See my comment with the link.

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