TL;DR I work at a large company with an employee cafeteria and thanks to maybe a handful of employees giving up coke products they're having a hard time selling Coke and Diet Coke and will be lowering their weekly orders of both going forward. ? Feels good man.
So, prior to a month ago I was a Diet Coke fiend. I would drink 2 or 3 on a normal day, 4 or 5 on a weekend or a holiday. I used to half-joke about being addicted because in all honesty I was.
I finally got so pissed off by Coca Cola's racism a month ago I forced myself to give it up. I no longer purchased a Diet Coke (or 2) with my lunch at work, I drank this thing called "water."
Today, all they have in the caf is Diet Coke and Coke ? they're sold out of everything else and they need to get rid of it. By my guess they've sold 30-35 fewer Diet Cokes in the past month just because of me alone. Add maybe 5 other people out of a company of several hundred, and you've got a problem on your hands- hundreds of extra cans you can't sell. They will be lowering their order from now on to prevent overstocking.
This is the first boycott I've ever participated in where I saw a concrete result I can trace back to myself, regardless of how tiny. This can be you too!
I still hit the gas station, its hard to stay awake from 2 am-6 pulling trucks through soggy mud without stimulants.
fountains make it hard to recoup their monies.
I drink pure apple juice, diluted 50%. But not continually.
Really good if you cut that drink 50/50 with carbonated water/sparkling water. Have an apple juice spritzer, save half the calories and the sugar.
Amazingly, I've found Coke Zero to act as an energy drink for me. I get tired, I drink a bottle of that and it actually gives me energy.
ya, I will no longer drink woka~cola anymore, I will switch to coke zero as well. (kek)
I cant drink caffeine at certain times of the day, pass out while driving truck.
It's more evidence that people are each built differently as their own unique individuals. Different treatments working differently on different people. It's why the Left's one size fits all solutions never work. They mistakingly assume everyone has the same wants, needs, and desires.