Thinking about eating this really healthy donut, ( “No fat shaming allowed!), while the miraculous vaccine tears into my body causing my white blood cells to overproduce and start attacking the healthy red blood cells in my lungs which will cause them to fill with bacteria and pus that my white blood cells cannot fight or control because they are attacking my healthy red cells! Not really, just thinking about eating this delicious donut all by myself because even with my vaccine I still have to be 6 ft away from anyone not vaccinated and most of my friends died from COVID. Or so I was told!
Thinking about eating this really healthy donut, ( “No fat shaming allowed!), while the miraculous vaccine tears into my body causing my white blood cells to overproduce and start attacking the healthy red blood cells in my lungs which will cause them to fill with bacteria and pus that my white blood cells cannot fight or control because they are attacking my healthy red cells! Not really, just thinking about eating this delicious donut all by myself because even with my vaccine I still have to be 6 ft away from anyone not vaccinated and most of my friends died from COVID. Or so I was told!