Prior to DJT being in power, it was all business as usual. Those of us who were aware of the evil and corruption just took it day by day, not knowing how a change would ever occur. When 45 stepped in and gave us a new hope, MSM went ballistic, and ended up poisoning as many wells as possible. My marriage is nearly dead, my relationship with my son - who was indoctrinated at university has deteriorated, and my leftist sisters don’t communicate with me anymore. This has been an excruciating past few years. I’m running out of steam, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
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That'd be the last time I talk with her.
Love you but you're a vampire so keep your distance.
Unless she sincerely apologized and showed remorse. Then of course I'd forgive her...but until then? ahahahahaha! Nope. I got things to do, I don't need a leech sucking my energy.