I work for a national organization and once a month, meet with other district leaders. Prior to Covid, this organization would sponsor twice-monthly events where professionals in certain industries could attend to keep up their continuing education requirements. Since Covid, these events have been moved online, but today's call was about starting to have hybrid events again.
Then someone mentioned she would not allow members to attend the in-person events until they could prove they had gotten the vaccine. I immediately interjected that I would not do that for the members of my district. First off - HIPPA, I'm not asking anyone about their medical history. The second point I made was if someone was vaccinated, it shouldn't matter if there were non-vaccinated people, where it devolved into an argument about even with the vaccine there was a 10% chance you could still get it so she was going to penalize the people that refused.
I then jumped on FB because I had updates to make to the company page. There was a post, from one of the most 'gothic-punk' people I know, waxing poetic on how he just got the shot with tons of people cheering him on, bashing us 'conspiracy nuts' who were dooming society with our selfishness.
I guess I'm dooming today but seriously, I don't see anyone waking up. In fact, I'm seeing more people that I thought were either 'right' or anti-establishment touting this bullshit. :(
FWIW, there seems to be a lot of ebb and flow, two-steps forward, one-step back these days. And maybe it's 2-steps forward, 5-steps back sometimes too.
I do agree with you OP, that sometimes it really feels like we're making some progress, and other times when it seems to be the exact opposite. Can't explain it any other way.
These are unprecedented and insane times for sure.