Biden [INSERT BLANK; radicalized the shooter, caused the shooting, etc.] by Bombing Syrian civilians without cause.
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Xiden can't even be held responsible for filling his morning sippy cup.
What we know about this shooting is that the FBI was tracking this guy, like they did for many mass shooters. However, just like for many of those mass shooters, they failed to stop them. Draw your own conclusions, however, it doesn't look like incompetence but rather like they track the people they need to carry out their agenda in these cases. And those people are often mentally ill, which makes them easy to brain wash and their crazy ramblings are unlikely to trace back to the FBI. Come to think of it, it mirrors some assassinations as well such as the JFK one, except they had to dispose of the guy in that case or he might have talked.
It is possible that Xiden ordered the FBI to activate this guy, however it's just as likely that another Democrat did it.