So the dude is an aged hippy and was being a vaxhole this morning. And asked when the rest of us would get our shots. I said I wasn’t planning on it, and cited that is experimental and that moderna a is linked to Gates and his Malthusian views make me really untrusting of it.
His response?
“Ya gotta have more faith in the science man...”
I couldn’t help but chuckle.
(And yes, he’s an evangelical athiest)
The deepstate decides the outcome they want FIRST. Such as "Covid is a pandemic that is dangerous." That is decided ahead of time, before the science has even had a chance to look at anything. Then they use their CIA media to push that message out to the masses. Any scientist or doctor who doesn't agree gets blacklisted, doesn't receive funding, is censored, has their reputation dragged through the mud as being a 'conspiracy theorist,' is never given a chance to argue their point on national television, and on occasion is murdered.
The ones that play along with the pre-selected conclusion are just fine. Their life goes on like normal.
Apply this to 9/11 truth, global warming, covid, vaccines, false flags, the JFK assassination, and many other things. Choose a party line, the media sticks to it, anyone who doesn't is attacked in a million different ways, and the truth is discredited. Anyone who deviates is a crazy loon.