Actually race does matter. There are differences between the races and how they can form a society. To deny this might make you warm and fuzzy inside but it is a cold hard fact. Whites are builders and a people of laws and order. Blacks are more prone to violence and destruction. Simply look at the statistics and IQ levels. Call reality racist, it still does not change the facts. I would love everyone to be on the same levels but genetics are genetics.
Ok moron. What about Jewish people? What about Jesus of Nazareth? He wasn’t even white. What about the great societies of Asia and Latin America? Ancient societies of Persians or Egyptians when Europe was still full of nomads barely removed from Neanderthals.
Asia hasn't built it's own "great society" for hundreds of years. The only "great" Asian society is Japan and they became modern and industrial because they... wait for it... Westernised. They used European technology to advance themselves. Ancient China was a land of prosperity and technology sure, I can respect that, but it hasn't been that way for hundreds of years.
Pre-Columbus America? If they were so great how come a few hundred Spaniards were able to dismantle the Aztec Empire, with it's millions of inhabitants? Same with the Incas? Disease was not a factor in the initial conquests and victories. The deaths from diseases happened and accumulated over hundreds of years.
Arabs and Turks had a shot at the limelight in medieval times but they were unable to sustain the progress they made. As a race they have achieved next to nothing for centuries. Sure the Ottoman Empire lasted a long time and was big but in terms of contributions to humanity, it contributed very little outside of Turkish coffee and Turkish baths (and random Muslim communities in Bosnia and Albania)
There is ample evidence to support the fact that both the ancient Egyptians (at least the royalty/rulers) and Jesus were white.
Persia? Sure. They had a mighty empire... 2000 years ago. I respect Persia and Iranians but outside of regional cultural influence, they have not achieved anything of interest for millennia.
The fact of the matter is that white Europeans were the undisputed masters of the world for centuries, once we came out of our shells, until the end of WW2. The white race is the most successful race of all time. Artistically, technologically and also the most beautiful (according to every other ethnic group... including ourselves). Acknowledging our prowess and proud history doesn't mean you have to hate others or be a "supremacist". There's nothing wrong with loving your own people.
The Zionists want to destroy that because we are a threat to their global hegemony. The Zionists teach whites "race doesn't exist!" yet at the same time they teach non-whites "white privilege! kill whitey! reparations!".
Any country that is minority white turns into a shithole.
Actually race does matter. There are differences between the races and how they can form a society. To deny this might make you warm and fuzzy inside but it is a cold hard fact. Whites are builders and a people of laws and order. Blacks are more prone to violence and destruction. Simply look at the statistics and IQ levels. Call reality racist, it still does not change the facts. I would love everyone to be on the same levels but genetics are genetics.
Ok moron. What about Jewish people? What about Jesus of Nazareth? He wasn’t even white. What about the great societies of Asia and Latin America? Ancient societies of Persians or Egyptians when Europe was still full of nomads barely removed from Neanderthals.
Asia hasn't built it's own "great society" for hundreds of years. The only "great" Asian society is Japan and they became modern and industrial because they... wait for it... Westernised. They used European technology to advance themselves. Ancient China was a land of prosperity and technology sure, I can respect that, but it hasn't been that way for hundreds of years.
Pre-Columbus America? If they were so great how come a few hundred Spaniards were able to dismantle the Aztec Empire, with it's millions of inhabitants? Same with the Incas? Disease was not a factor in the initial conquests and victories. The deaths from diseases happened and accumulated over hundreds of years.
Arabs and Turks had a shot at the limelight in medieval times but they were unable to sustain the progress they made. As a race they have achieved next to nothing for centuries. Sure the Ottoman Empire lasted a long time and was big but in terms of contributions to humanity, it contributed very little outside of Turkish coffee and Turkish baths (and random Muslim communities in Bosnia and Albania)
There is ample evidence to support the fact that both the ancient Egyptians (at least the royalty/rulers) and Jesus were white.
Persia? Sure. They had a mighty empire... 2000 years ago. I respect Persia and Iranians but outside of regional cultural influence, they have not achieved anything of interest for millennia.
The fact of the matter is that white Europeans were the undisputed masters of the world for centuries, once we came out of our shells, until the end of WW2. The white race is the most successful race of all time. Artistically, technologically and also the most beautiful (according to every other ethnic group... including ourselves). Acknowledging our prowess and proud history doesn't mean you have to hate others or be a "supremacist". There's nothing wrong with loving your own people.
The Zionists want to destroy that because we are a threat to their global hegemony. The Zionists teach whites "race doesn't exist!" yet at the same time they teach non-whites "white privilege! kill whitey! reparations!".