I grew up in a small town about the size of the one in Arizona and I can tell you that having that many people show up at once would be a disaster. If they decide to stay, there's no way that will be good for that small town. They can't possibly have enough jobs or even housing to offer these folks, so what are they going to do when they get hungry, or angry? Nobody in their right mind should want to see anyone suffer, illegal or not, but there are only so many handouts left in this country.
I grew up in a small town about the size of the one in Arizona and I can tell you that having that many people show up at once would be a disaster. If they decide to stay, there's no way that will be good for that small town. They can't possibly have enough jobs or even housing to offer these folks, so what are they going to do when they get hungry, or angry? Nobody in their right mind should want to see anyone suffer, illegal or not, but there are only so many handouts left in this country.