My sister works at a pharmacy I see her once a week it’s all she talks about And gets excited to talking about it. She Talks about the ton of people coming in in to get it,We’re saving the world blah blah I don’t even want to reaper what she says I feel like I’m in the twilight zone It’s gotten so bad I stopped wasting my time saying otherwise it’s like talking to a wall like I never even said anything she’s so brainwashed. I feel like some people who aren’t waking up to the bs are getting programmed even deeper. It’s not the same as a year ago people are seriously going beyond crazy almost like a dog in transition of rabies taking over. Kind of makes me wonder if the vax has rabies in it and there minds are slipping making them even more susceptible to further brainwashing.
My sister works at a pharmacy I see her once a week it’s all she talks about And gets excited to talking about it. She Talks about the ton of people coming in in to get it,We’re saving the world blah blah I don’t even want to reaper what she says I feel like I’m in the twilight zone It’s gotten so bad I stopped wasting my time saying otherwise it’s like talking to a wall like I never even said anything she’s so brainwashed. I feel like some people who aren’t waking up to the bs are getting programmed even deeper. It’s not the same as a year ago people are seriously going beyond crazy almost like a dog in transition of rabies taking over. Kind of makes me wonder if the vax has rabies in it and there minds are slipping making them even more susceptible to further brainwashing.