The golden age of medicine and pills, yet everybody is sick. Health:Its almost as if our bodies were designed to move and expend energy and in return we get stronger and are rewarded with more energy. And then how convenient that fresh fruits and vegetables provide almost everything we need for a healthy and properly working system and more importantly a healthy immune system. almost as if it was designed that way. Yet we make it seem harder than it is. The Cvd manipulation has really drawn me into researching disease and our health system and a lot can be cured and remedied with diet and exercise. "Interesting" or more properly worded "suspicious" how doctors have been forcibly severed from addressing nutrition. Or you can listen to fauci and go recieve your dose of aids. A corrupt and manipulative Health System=another part of the global scheme. Anyway. Glad you found the path to an easier more stress free life.
The golden age of medicine was when we used our own urea to disinfect wounds, treat skin conditions, ear infections, excetra. "Our Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha M Christy is an excellent book with compiled case studies on the subject.
For sure, I wish you the best of health. In my practice I have found that most have a mental block against using it, but for the few that don't I have not seen it fail. Truly remarkable.
The golden age of medicine and pills, yet everybody is sick. Health:Its almost as if our bodies were designed to move and expend energy and in return we get stronger and are rewarded with more energy. And then how convenient that fresh fruits and vegetables provide almost everything we need for a healthy and properly working system and more importantly a healthy immune system. almost as if it was designed that way. Yet we make it seem harder than it is. The Cvd manipulation has really drawn me into researching disease and our health system and a lot can be cured and remedied with diet and exercise. "Interesting" or more properly worded "suspicious" how doctors have been forcibly severed from addressing nutrition. Or you can listen to fauci and go recieve your dose of aids. A corrupt and manipulative Health System=another part of the global scheme. Anyway. Glad you found the path to an easier more stress free life.
The golden age of medicine was when we used our own urea to disinfect wounds, treat skin conditions, ear infections, excetra. "Our Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha M Christy is an excellent book with compiled case studies on the subject.
Interesting. You certainly have my curiosity. I will check that out, thank you.
"The Incredible Proven Natural Miracle Cure that Medical Science Has Never Revealed!"
looking forward to it now thats quite a description.
For sure, I wish you the best of health. In my practice I have found that most have a mental block against using it, but for the few that don't I have not seen it fail. Truly remarkable.
My IBS was caused by yeast - so no beer or bread for me!
It only took me 20 years of agony to narrow down the cause.