There was a soviet operation called "operation trust" that I just learned about. They did it back in the soviet union 1920s lasted like 6 years if I remember correctly that is almost identical to the Q movement. Only difference it wasn't world wide and they started wiping out the people involved early on. But it was basically an intelligence operation that got people "waiting" for some big thing to happen to take down the soviet union, but in reality it was the soviet union finding out dissenters and taking them out. I am a skeptic of Q. If April comes and still nothing... im so done with all of it.
It's all part of the illusion. You can't create a compelling controlled opposition if you don't appear to... well... oppose them. Nobody would buy it.
Alex Jones is another one. I believe it's quite obvious by now that he too is controlled (I've know this for a while, Bill Cooper even warned about it). Yet the media demonize and deplatform him as well. It doesn't mean he's legitimate.
It's like one of the most cookie-cutter strategies out of the NWO handbook.
Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not specifically saying that this is without a doubt a well-crafted controlled-opposition movement just so we're clear. I'm merely keeping this open as a possibility.
To address your questions:
So how is the DS using it to its advantage if you say most people don’t believe it anyway?
The purpose of such a strategy is to sift people as you might wheat from tares. Identify and isolate those who possess the type of character that might pose a real tangible threat to the establishment. You can't do that by hiding everything. You need to start dropping truth pills (albeit controlled and limited in its scope) to serve as bread crumbs in order to draw out truth-seekers into the trap. Think of it as a hunter placing a snare to catch prey.
The deepstate doesn't care about those who don't believe in Q or who don't care about seeking the truth. They pose no threat. They're docile sheep who will go wherever they're told to go anyway. What they *do *care about is finding those who don't go along with the herd. Critical thinkers. Conspiracy theorists. Rebels. And so on.
Their problem is identifying who is who. Which is where something like Q or Operation Trust comes in. Identify potential enemies and then eliminate them one by one while not allowing them to effectively mobilize into any meaningful resistance.
And those who don’t believe, why aren’t they “standing up” like you say Q followers could’ve been doing had Q not brought us to waiting?
Because they do what they're told. They are either ignorant about what's going on or they lack the character to stand up and fight back.
Who knows. Perhaps they thought that Q wasn't yet big enough at that time to really merit focusing on it and after reassessing they've decided that it's become enough of a problem. If it is an Operation Trust sort of deal then I would assume the reasoning would be that they want to draw out anyone who might actually pose a threat.
There was a soviet operation called "operation trust" that I just learned about. They did it back in the soviet union 1920s lasted like 6 years if I remember correctly that is almost identical to the Q movement. Only difference it wasn't world wide and they started wiping out the people involved early on. But it was basically an intelligence operation that got people "waiting" for some big thing to happen to take down the soviet union, but in reality it was the soviet union finding out dissenters and taking them out. I am a skeptic of Q. If April comes and still nothing... im so done with all of it.
It's all part of the illusion. You can't create a compelling controlled opposition if you don't appear to... well... oppose them. Nobody would buy it.
Alex Jones is another one. I believe it's quite obvious by now that he too is controlled (I've know this for a while, Bill Cooper even warned about it). Yet the media demonize and deplatform him as well. It doesn't mean he's legitimate.
It's like one of the most cookie-cutter strategies out of the NWO handbook.
Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not specifically saying that this is without a doubt a well-crafted controlled-opposition movement just so we're clear. I'm merely keeping this open as a possibility.
To address your questions:
The purpose of such a strategy is to sift people as you might wheat from tares. Identify and isolate those who possess the type of character that might pose a real tangible threat to the establishment. You can't do that by hiding everything. You need to start dropping truth pills (albeit controlled and limited in its scope) to serve as bread crumbs in order to draw out truth-seekers into the trap. Think of it as a hunter placing a snare to catch prey.
The deepstate doesn't care about those who don't believe in Q or who don't care about seeking the truth. They pose no threat. They're docile sheep who will go wherever they're told to go anyway. What they *do *care about is finding those who don't go along with the herd. Critical thinkers. Conspiracy theorists. Rebels. And so on.
Their problem is identifying who is who. Which is where something like Q or Operation Trust comes in. Identify potential enemies and then eliminate them one by one while not allowing them to effectively mobilize into any meaningful resistance.
Because they do what they're told. They are either ignorant about what's going on or they lack the character to stand up and fight back.
Who knows. Perhaps they thought that Q wasn't yet big enough at that time to really merit focusing on it and after reassessing they've decided that it's become enough of a problem. If it is an Operation Trust sort of deal then I would assume the reasoning would be that they want to draw out anyone who might actually pose a threat.
Ultimately you would have to ask them though.