Straight to his face.
We actually have a really great relationship. The rest of the office is totally brainwashed about vaccines and other leftist bullshit, so I'm the only one who is openly refusing to get vaccinated. He came to my desk to tell me about how Walgreens is offering vaccines to basically anyone and I said "that's great news for people who want the vaccine." He asked me would I really not get it? "Nope." Why? "Because I don't like it, I don't think it's necessary, it's an experimental injection and not even technically a vaccine, I believe in my immune system and I don't like how it's been socially engineered and forced upon the public. I don't like it."
He was silent.
I continued with "and so if you decide vaccines are mandatory, I'll be working from home." He said, "well, if vaccination was mandatory and you refused, you'd have to find another job." I said, "yep."
"You'd find another job?"
"Yes, I would." I was on my way to deliver something to one of my interns on the other side of the office, so that's where the conversation ended.
I am so sick of people that spend years learning about science telling me stuff about "vaccines" and "mRNA" and "cutting edge medical research" like I'm supposed to trust the FDA. I trust God. That's it.
Unless I am in prayer and hear the voices, no amount of so called "peer reviewed phase 3 clinical trial data" will change why my God says to me every hour of every day. Sorry not sorry.
Kind of sorry that deep state killed 4 family members and 10+ friends and blamed it on the kung flu. LOL like a virus can really kill people. all those people were praying to live and had many praying for them. proof right there of foul play. no God of mine would let that happen unless the cabal is just that powerful.
What honestly causes me the most pain is that from the start, Trump wanted to fight this hoax with vaccines. Seems like he still does. Probably just a psyop to get the libs to take it and die off! well played. sir.