I imagine these videos aren't going to stay up for long
https://streamable.com/37i0ln https://streamable.com/uaa2mu https://streamable.com/s2xyqi
I imagine these videos aren't going to stay up for long
https://streamable.com/37i0ln https://streamable.com/uaa2mu https://streamable.com/s2xyqi
Governments, medical experts and media tell the public they need to be tested, then plunge a long spike right up into their nasal cavity, making sure to twist and rub that spike in as deep as possible.
Now video surfaces of prickly 'cotton' buds that dig into the tissue, and black fiber like creatures that move and appear alive. What's in the Vaccine? Is there a connection between the vaccine and the fiber like creatures?
Best horror movie ever.
Only this time you can't snap out of it and convince yourself its only a movie and its not real.
Talk about sneaky, diabolical ...
All this time and people are "no fkn way, they ain't vaxxing me" and they knew it all along. But a simple Covid test? ...
Look at the numbers. Remember cases cases cases ...
Millions and millions of people had those very spikes shoved right up into their nasal cavities. Some more than once. Mission accomplished?
Okay can I switch the channel now please.
We need a microscope analysis of what is in the vaccine. Now that would be interesting