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  1. SUMMARY 1. Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met frequently with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.

  2. Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions designed to garner influence with foreign leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister.

  3. HUNTER has a direct line to the Politburo, according to SOURCE A, a senior finance professional in China.

  4. Michael Lin brokered the BHR partnership and partners with MOFA foreign influence organizations.

  5. LIN is a POI for his work on behalf of China, as confirmed by SOURCE B and SOURCE C (at two separate national intelligence agencies).

  6. BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder in BHR is a Bank of China and BHR’s partners are SOEs that funnel revenue/assets to BHR.

  7. HUNTER continues to hold 10% in BHR. He visited China in 2010 and met with major Chinese government financial companies that would later back BHR.

  8. HUNTER’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM).

  9. HUNTER also did business with Chinese tycoons linked with the Chinese military and against the interests of US national security.

  10. BIDEN’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), has since turned positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.
