I think the military is running the show. Just before Biden was inaugurated, the liberal sheep did not trust anything that had to do with DJT. Even the military. So the military is spending this time getting the sheep to trust them and believe in them, as if Biden is in control of them. That’s why the ridiculous actions like removing “extremism” and retaking their oaths and such. That way when the military does reveal that there is a foreign occupying force in the White House the sleeping masses will be more inclined to believe them. If it happened right away there wouldn’t be trust in the military from the liberal zombies. And showing DJT golfing just about every day puts their mind at ease that he’s “powerless”. So yeah, I think the reveal will be coming soon.
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The bar is certainly dropped during times of conflict. I'm sure many draftees during Vietnam would've made your acquaintance look like a rock star.