It is amazing to me, that people can't figure it out. Power hungry freaks never have enough power. They are never going to say - Well, we control everything, but you guys really want your freedom. Here, let's give you back some of the power we acquired. No - they consolidation of wealth and power is a force beyond resistance to the cabal.
We can look to the petty dictatorships to foresee what will be coming soon to the leftist states and counties of the US and eventually the country. My friend was riding in an uber. Driver wear a face diaper, he did not. They were pulled over at a COVID roadblock. My friend, being an African Pede, refused to pay the bribe and explained his constitutional rights.
He was arrested and all his belongings impounded. They humiliated him with a very forceful body cavity search. When he finally got out, his property was returned, but the cash was missing. When he raised an issue about it, they threatened to beat him.
There are a number of reasons why this doesn't happen in the US. Month-by-month these reasons drop off. It won't be long if we allow the descent to continue.
Where did this happen?
Kumasi, Ghan