As a white male you don't want to know how many times I have been called racist for pointing out that's exactly what's happening. They are doing the same thing to the aboriginals in Canada. Taking away ALL THEIR IMAGERY from public spaces under the guise of someone being offended. Fuck that! I'm offended. I wore that Indian chief proudly on my chest as a young child playing hockey. We fought hard like the warriors we knew they were. I hate how people are so distracted with beer drinking white dudes like me who hold absolutely NO WORLD POWER and want the same equal opportunity world for all as everyone else. /endrant
As a white male you don't want to know how many times I have been called racist for pointing out that's exactly what's happening. They are doing the same thing to the aboriginals in Canada. Taking away ALL THEIR IMAGERY from public spaces under the guise of someone being offended. Fuck that! I'm offended. I wore that Indian chief proudly on my chest as a young child playing hockey. We fought hard like the warriors we knew they were. I hate how people are so distracted with beer drinking white dudes like me who hold absolutely NO WORLD POWER and want the same equal opportunity world for all as everyone else. /endrant