Since I didn’t see it mentioned here, the vice-presidential residence is located at the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) in Georgetown. The USNO is responsible for the master clock for the entire DOD including the GPS satellite network. The clock is a network of high-accuracy frequency standards located in subterranean buildings beneath the grounds of the USNO.
One wonders if the renovations to the residence are covering renovations and upgrades to the clock.
Since I didn’t see it mentioned here, the vice-presidential residence is located at the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) in Georgetown. The USNO is responsible for the master clock for the entire DOD including the GPS satellite network. The clock is a network of high-accuracy frequency standards located in subterranean buildings beneath the grounds of the USNO.
One wonders if the renovations to the residence are covering renovations and upgrades to the clock.