Can I add, there is also a clear difference between Catholicism and Christianity in my observations. I see in Catholicism the pope is like god to Catholics, he is put on a pedestal and is regarded as number one, and can do no wrong, even though he is a man. In Christianity God is number one and can do NO wrong.
In Catholicism you pray to god via a person, the pope, a priest, Mary or a saint. In Christianity you pray directly to God, because Jesus made it possible for us to do so. Cutting out any middle men/women and being able to communicate directly.
In Catholicism you have to 'work' for your salvation, to make you 'good enough' to receive it. In Christianity you are given your salvation by accepting what Jesus did to make it possible for us to receive it.
In Catholicism you obey man made rules and regulations, and pray to saints who have died. In Christianity you obey two rules love God with all your heart all your might and all your strength, and love others as yourself. (if you do this the 10 commandments in the old testament will be fulfilled) in case people think I am dismissing these.
Well that has been my experience and observations over the past 40+ years. So ripping a photo of the pope does nothing other than ripping a photo of the pope to make a point that he is not god nor fallible and was up to no good with the children in her opinion, which we are beginning to see now too.
By saying this a Christian can be found anywhere and in any denomination, because simply put, a Christian is someone who has accepted Jesus as their Saviour and accepted His salvation and lives their lives in accordance with the two new commandants He gave.
*I am open to changing my mind if I am wrong in my assumptions so feel free to correct me if I am wrong. :)
Agreed, what the catholics teach is not how our relationship with God and His son is supposed to be, IMO, and is a perversion that will end up damning far more people than saving but luckily it's not too late for some; His hand is always open.
Great. It is the difference between a religion, which is man made and a relationship, which is God made. One burdensome and the other freedom to choose.
Unfortunately the devil is good at counterfeiting. But, with God nothing is impossible and people can break through those lies he sets, and as you said it is not too late, His hand is always open. I agree 100% :)
Can I add, there is also a clear difference between Catholicism and Christianity in my observations. I see in Catholicism the pope is like god to Catholics, he is put on a pedestal and is regarded as number one, and can do no wrong, even though he is a man. In Christianity God is number one and can do NO wrong.
In Catholicism you pray to god via a person, the pope, a priest, Mary or a saint. In Christianity you pray directly to God, because Jesus made it possible for us to do so. Cutting out any middle men/women and being able to communicate directly.
In Catholicism you have to 'work' for your salvation, to make you 'good enough' to receive it. In Christianity you are given your salvation by accepting what Jesus did to make it possible for us to receive it.
In Catholicism you obey man made rules and regulations, and pray to saints who have died. In Christianity you obey two rules love God with all your heart all your might and all your strength, and love others as yourself. (if you do this the 10 commandments in the old testament will be fulfilled) in case people think I am dismissing these.
Well that has been my experience and observations over the past 40+ years. So ripping a photo of the pope does nothing other than ripping a photo of the pope to make a point that he is not god nor fallible and was up to no good with the children in her opinion, which we are beginning to see now too.
By saying this a Christian can be found anywhere and in any denomination, because simply put, a Christian is someone who has accepted Jesus as their Saviour and accepted His salvation and lives their lives in accordance with the two new commandants He gave.
*I am open to changing my mind if I am wrong in my assumptions so feel free to correct me if I am wrong. :)
Agreed, what the catholics teach is not how our relationship with God and His son is supposed to be, IMO, and is a perversion that will end up damning far more people than saving but luckily it's not too late for some; His hand is always open.
Great. It is the difference between a religion, which is man made and a relationship, which is God made. One burdensome and the other freedom to choose.
Unfortunately the devil is good at counterfeiting. But, with God nothing is impossible and people can break through those lies he sets, and as you said it is not too late, His hand is always open. I agree 100% :)
Yo I found a connection on minearc.