Sending busses down there and depositing them just south of the border. Probably took them shopping somewhere along the way. They'll look good on their flight to none of your business.
Their bags have been delivered to their hotel rooms. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be served at 5:00pm with an 8 course meal and dance following. Limos stand in wait to escort them to and from their shopping and sightseeing excursions. /s
Sending busses down there and depositing them just south of the border. Probably took them shopping somewhere along the way. They'll look good on their flight to none of your business.
Your replacements have arrived.
These fakers are not even putting any effort anymore, now that they think Bidan is the (P)resident
I see those covid guns are being out to good use. Sigh
With colored wristbands, no less...
Their bags have been delivered to their hotel rooms. Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be served at 5:00pm with an 8 course meal and dance following. Limos stand in wait to escort them to and from their shopping and sightseeing excursions. /s