Lets compare a few things Q told us and what Ghost Ezra is telling us on the same topic:
Flat Earth Q was asked by an anon if we can rest the topic once and for all. Is the eart flat? Q: No it’s round Ghost Ezra is telling us the earth is flat and to wake up.
Moon landing Q was asked by an anon if the moon landing was fake? Q: We were at the moon Ghost Ezra is telling us we weren’t at the moon and to wake up.
Most important topic: NO OUTSIDE COMMS Ghost Ezra is pretending to be Ezra Cohen-Watnick. He pretends to have ties to the plan and DJT. Either you trust Q or Ghost Ezra. One of them is a LARP so be careful who you follow fellow pedes.
I know everyone is here for hopium but he is getting shared more and more on this page so I just wanted to clear that up.
My father spent time with Werher Von Braun. He never said much about him except he was an intelligent man. My dad had a high IQ and probably held his own on the conversation. The entire story of the space race is a fascination history. You are correct, humanity achieves great things. I believe it is because God has given us a. mind to create. As the Creator, why would he not? It's what we sometimes create that is the problem. I'm looking at SpaceX not from an Elon Musk view but from what they achieve. This is a generation that people were writing off. Their greatest work is shown in what they have done. And I say this as not a fan of the space program because I'm afraid of what it can turn into and what it does to our air quality. I have grown up on the shores of the Indian River across from the launch pads. I have seen the crap that stuff leaves on cars and what we are breathing in. Space junk fell to the earth a couple of nights ago. My friend has an app that shows the number of launches worldwide. We have no idea what they're putting up there or what we are putting up there. The only thing I can say positive about the program is if the Space Force is the reason "we have it all," that's wonderful!