Lets compare a few things Q told us and what Ghost Ezra is telling us on the same topic:
Flat Earth Q was asked by an anon if we can rest the topic once and for all. Is the eart flat? Q: No it’s round Ghost Ezra is telling us the earth is flat and to wake up.
Moon landing Q was asked by an anon if the moon landing was fake? Q: We were at the moon Ghost Ezra is telling us we weren’t at the moon and to wake up.
Most important topic: NO OUTSIDE COMMS Ghost Ezra is pretending to be Ezra Cohen-Watnick. He pretends to have ties to the plan and DJT. Either you trust Q or Ghost Ezra. One of them is a LARP so be careful who you follow fellow pedes.
I know everyone is here for hopium but he is getting shared more and more on this page so I just wanted to clear that up.
Okay, let's agree to disagree, and I'll apologize to you if they produce proof we've never landed on the moon or that the space station is not manned, etc. I hope you'll agree to do the same. I just can't understand why the Deep State would need to lie about this.
And I do apologize for the traitor remark. I spoke it for a great love of the people I know who have worked hard at Kennedy Space Center and those who have lost loved ones (not only astronauts but cape workers).