Jan 20th not one peep, Brietbart ran a story about Yuma early March and now there’s thousands of them like rats, from nowhere, makes no sense, it’s not like they were waiting in refugee camps somewhere in centralAmerica for the green light.
ISIS ( Obama’s master plan to screw Europe ) exactly the same, only difference the European refugees from nowhere were 90% men, single and 20-40.
The Democrats think we’re stupid but this looks planned and coordinated.
This is like ISIS mark 2.
Jan 20th not one peep, Brietbart ran a story about Yuma early March and now there’s thousands of them like rats, from nowhere, makes no sense, it’s not like they were waiting in refugee camps somewhere in centralAmerica for the green light.
ISIS ( Obama’s master plan to screw Europe ) exactly the same, only difference the European refugees from nowhere were 90% men, single and 20-40.
The Democrats think we’re stupid but this looks planned and coordinated.