The top photo was a much earlier (2010?) aerial photo, substituted in Google Earth. China did NOT want the 3G dam shoddy construction being shown to the world. Well, we all know how that turned out, don't we?
GE is known for not having accurate dates on their satellite & street view images. That's not new.
However, if you look on GE yourself and toggle the Historical Imagery tab, you'll see that the default image shows the dam all jacked up from July 2020, but the first historical image says December 2020 with the dam in great shape.
Either way, Google AND China's CCP are demons from hell.
The top photo was a much earlier (2010?) aerial photo, substituted in Google Earth. China did NOT want the 3G dam shoddy construction being shown to the world. Well, we all know how that turned out, don't we?
GE is known for not having accurate dates on their satellite & street view images. That's not new.
However, if you look on GE yourself and toggle the Historical Imagery tab, you'll see that the default image shows the dam all jacked up from July 2020, but the first historical image says December 2020 with the dam in great shape.
Either way, Google AND China's CCP are demons from hell.