Covid passport!?
Everyone step back and take a deep breath. Check your emotions and use logic. We are watching a movie, right? How many still half asleep will take the red pill because of this? The goal is to have the majority of the masses awakened at some level. Haven't you've noticed how ridiculous things have gotten? Itll only get stranger from here. So frens, pull up them britches, slap yourself once or twice and use logic over emotion with EVERYTHING.
Peace and Love
Thank you for the reminder. I have to admit, I am freaking out a little. I live on an island and the only way out is air travel. I was planning on moving in the next few years due to healthcare, climate, and aging parents. But now I am freaking because I may have to fast track a move. I just ordered a dog travel carrier in a bit of panic. Ugh!
Depending on your money situation, you might be able to get someone with a private plane to come get you. Private planes can even get around the DHS butt checks. I have a cousin who owns several jets. He can fly from his little home town all the way to Europe without stopping for anyone.