Covid passport!?
Everyone step back and take a deep breath. Check your emotions and use logic. We are watching a movie, right? How many still half asleep will take the red pill because of this? The goal is to have the majority of the masses awakened at some level. Haven't you've noticed how ridiculous things have gotten? Itll only get stranger from here. So frens, pull up them britches, slap yourself once or twice and use logic over emotion with EVERYTHING.
Peace and Love
I live in a smaller town in Texas, and we don't require masks here, (although some do wear them of their own choice), and most local businesses respect you and leave you alone and let you shop with or without a mask. I also have loved ones who live in larger Texas cities, where the masks lust is prevalent, and they come here to see me and enjoy shopping here in my small town and supporting the business owners who do not attack their right to breathe. Not all towns in Texas are mask free, but the smaller towns with more locally owned businesses tend to respect their customers' right to breathe.