Covid passport!?
Everyone step back and take a deep breath. Check your emotions and use logic. We are watching a movie, right? How many still half asleep will take the red pill because of this? The goal is to have the majority of the masses awakened at some level. Haven't you've noticed how ridiculous things have gotten? Itll only get stranger from here. So frens, pull up them britches, slap yourself once or twice and use logic over emotion with EVERYTHING.
Peace and Love
Notice how they keep PROPOSING laws without implementing them. Since 1/20, the only actions the federal government has taken involve currency (such as the covid bill). Everything else has just been threats. This makes sense if we are watching a movie.
A lot of that is floating trial balloons. I first became familiar with this political strategy with Bill Clinton. They put s proposal out in the media to see how it will be received. However, with the amount of power the Democrats supposedly have, they should not need to float trial balloons. They should only need to implement whatever they want. They do not appear to be able to. So we can conclude that they do not actually have as much power as they should given the circumstances.
They can pass the law if the mass don’t comply and make those who do suffer. It won’t work.
Anyone who enforces such a law need to be made to personally suffer for it. At the moment, I don't know how we do that, but brainstorming and planning should commence. One obvious way is to boycott businesses that enforce such a requirement. Make it unpleasant for people who ask to see a vaccine paper. This had some effect with mask mandates as many just refused to actively enforce mask requirements. I know in Indiana they had the mandate, but quit legally enforcing it as law and removed any penalties for not wearing masks after the backlash, instead only bothering businesses to put up mask required signs, which are then rarely enforced.