Covid passport!?
Everyone step back and take a deep breath. Check your emotions and use logic. We are watching a movie, right? How many still half asleep will take the red pill because of this? The goal is to have the majority of the masses awakened at some level. Haven't you've noticed how ridiculous things have gotten? Itll only get stranger from here. So frens, pull up them britches, slap yourself once or twice and use logic over emotion with EVERYTHING.
Peace and Love
And many of them will say, "yeah well, I guess it's safer if we all get the vaccine." This is something I notice about the media propaganda, is that it presents two ideas and makes the case for one of them. This creates a false dichotomy where people think there's no other perspective and they must 'pick a side.' For example 9/11. It's either that the official story is true, or you are a raving lunatic. Pick a side. It's either that you want to save Grandma from dying, or you are an anti-masker lunatic. They create a false set of choices and the normies obviously choose the "correct" answer. And anyone who disagrees from then on is fighting against this deep-lodged media propaganda.