Where they can't bribe and blackmail their way out. And, considering what they did and do to humanity, specially the most fragile and vulnerable, I sincerely hope it hurts.
Just a thought exercise to end your Sunday. Remember, God wins. He always wins in the end.
Correct. Hell is not a torture chamber, its a world where God is absent. God loves and respects our freedom so much that he created a world where the people who shunned him and turned their backs on him can live out their independence.
This is not to say hell isn't bad, its the worst place you could be. A realm where God is absent that is full of people wailing and lamenting their foolishness. They scream, grind their teeth, and curse themselves and each other. It's a cold, dark, miserable place without a speck of good or happiness in it. A spiritual quarantine for everyone who decided that they knew better than their creator.