I don't pretend to understand everything ...looking for the light at the end of this tunnel maze just like you. The precipice? - how much farther? Agonizing day by day on and on. We live in a time of having some amount of control and instant everything. So this is very foreign and extremely uncomfortable for us all. But this is a state of silent physical war and a spiritual battle. I don't know exactly when/how things will move, but move they will- because nothing stays the same forever. We were told 'it had to be this way'. Good soldiers accept the unknown based on faith. Keep the faith. Keep going and doing what you do. It's important. Things are going to turn out exactly as they should at exactly the right time. The greater our sacrifice, the more glorious will be our victory.
I don't pretend to understand everything ...looking for the light at the end of this tunnel maze just like you. The precipice? - how much farther? Agonizing day by day on and on. We live in a time of having some amount of control and instant everything. So this is very foreign and extremely uncomfortable for us all. But this is a state of silent physical war and a spiritual battle. I don't know exactly when/how things will move, but move they will- because nothing stays the same forever. We were told 'it had to be this way'. Good soldiers accept the unknown based on faith. Keep the faith. Keep going and doing what you do. It's important. Things are going to turn out exactly as they should at exactly the right time. The greater our sacrifice, the more glorious will be our victory.