My background is Jewish. I know that my religion has been heavily infiltrated by Khazarians such as the Rothschilds.
However, I’ve been finding myself aligning more with the teachings of Christ. Is Judaism wrong or is Christianity wrong? There has to be a definitive answer, right? This Great Awakening is really making me question my own beliefs and specifically my thoughts around Jesus Christ.
My better half is a Bible scholar, ex-minister, and we come from a ‘Christian’ background. He has studied Torah extensively and has come to the conclusion that a Jewish person who lives their life following YHWH to the best of their ability is spiritually fine with YHWH because Jesus/Yeshua said that he only came to reconcile the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel’ to YHWH. That doesn’t mean that you can’t follow Yeshua, anyone can, but your salvation does not necessarily depend on it. As an Israelite descendant myself (Benjamite), for me, following Yeshua means that I am a part of the Noah Covenant, Moses Covenant, and Yeshua Covenant. There are a great many blessings in this.
There are so many ‘flavors’ of Christianity and so many of those groups miss so much of the Truth of the scriptures that I would have difficulty even in suggesting a group for someone to learn from, so be careful, always study for yourself, and make your own decisions.
Ultimately, of course, the decision is each person’s (yours). I would recommend drawing near to the Father and asking for guidance. The Holy Spirit was given to us to help us and it will. Blessings to you and your search.