My background is Jewish. I know that my religion has been heavily infiltrated by Khazarians such as the Rothschilds.
However, I’ve been finding myself aligning more with the teachings of Christ. Is Judaism wrong or is Christianity wrong? There has to be a definitive answer, right? This Great Awakening is really making me question my own beliefs and specifically my thoughts around Jesus Christ.
I would say to really look into Messianic Judaism and . I spent a long time doing the vague new age/spiritual "everyone has their own path" method. It sounds great but under serious scrutiny I don't believe it holds up. I would recommend One For Israel Ministries for information on first angle. Also people like Steven Bancarz or Alisa Childers who do a great job breaking down the modern/new age interpretation of Jesus and Christianity and highlighting what I feel are irreconcilable flaws.
Like others here have said, nobody can or should try and push their beliefs on others, but to say any path is valid is quite a leap. I hope you take the time to really give it a shot.